How to Stay Healthy

Do you know how to stay healthy? Think about the exercise that you do and the food that you eat. Exercise and the right food help you to live longer. (p.3)

 This book explains how to stay healthy and explains what kind of food we have to eat or what happens in our body when we eat food or do exercises. It seems difficult but this book uses only easy words that we can easily understand. However, this book explains things in detail so we can learn alot about our body, food or some other thing that we have to do to stay healthy and live long. If you interersted in your health, I recommend you to read this!

Penn, J.(2010). How to Stay Healthy.Oxford:Oxford University Press


  1. I want to live longer, but I think my way of life is bad because I don't exercise at all.
    After reading this review, I came to think of changing my habits. Thank you!!!

